I am thrilled to officially announce the release of my new book, The 40 Day Hero’s Journey, and what better day to make this auspicious announcement than on 12/02/2021. Today is a particular palindrome date in that it is an 8-digit palindrome, including the 4-digit year. This type of palindrome is quite rare. As you probably know, a palindrome is the same forward as backward. 

There is a subtle connection between a palindrome and one of the key ideas in The 40 Day Hero’s Journey. In the book, I explore how storytelling from its very beginnings as part of human existence formed the model of all Hero stories, myths, and legends. This basic format has remained the same for hundreds of thousands of years.

At the beginning of humankind, our ancestors created a unique ability to communicate thoughts and ideas to one another. They did this through the telling of stories. What began as tales told around a fire grew and developed into an oral tradition that flourished and filled their lives. These stories became cave paintings, stone tablets, papyrus scrolls, and eventually the printed word so that we now have records of these stories. These stories are the myths and legends we all know.

excerpt from The 40 Day Hero’s Journey

To understand where we are now, we must look to the past. Looking back helps us to move forward. Since the basic format of all Hero stories is the same, we can move backward and forward to understand our place in the history of humankind. And more importantly, we can choose to be Heroes instead of villains or bystanders based on the example of centuries of Hero stories readily available to us.

The 40 Day Hero’s Journey leads its readers step-by-step in an exciting and fun guided process to apply the principles of the Hollywood Movie Hero to deal with change in their life. Did I mention that Hollywood movies follow the exact format of all Hero stories throughout time? Read more about that in the book.

So please, join me on this incredible journey.

Available to buy on Amazon now!