Everyone Deserves to Be the Hero of Their Own Story

Tag: #40DayHerosJourney

1G-Cool Clear Water: Up the Creek

The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
1G-Cool Clear Water: Up the Creek

This week on The 40 Day Hero’s Journey podcast, our hero Alex Hayfield takes what she learned in the last episode and wades in, confident in her strengths and abilities.

Musical Artist Credit:
Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen – Longing for Home
Don Syke – Desert Blues
both are courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com

1F-Cool Clear Water: Desert Whisper

The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
1F-Cool Clear Water: Desert Whisper

This week on The 40 Day Hero’s Journey podcast, our hero Alex Hayfield searches for a lifeline to save herself from the overwhelming stress of being the leader of her team of Water Quality Specialists.

Musical Artist Credit:
Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen – Longing for Home
Trevor Kowalski – Desert Silhouette
both courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com

1E-Cool Clear Water: Tears Will Fall

The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
1E-Cool Clear Water: Tears Will Fall

This week on The 40 Day Hero’s Journey podcast, our fictional hero Alex Hayfield struggles to keep her head above water as she must take on new responsibilities as part of her career.

Musical Artist Credit:
Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen – Longing for Home
Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen – Desert Hideout
Both are courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com

1D-Cool Clear Water: Procedures, Alex

The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
1D-Cool Clear Water: Procedures, Alex

This week on The 40 Day Hero’s Journey podcast, our fictional hero Alex Hayfield, her dog Max, and the rest of her Water Quality Specialists team, dive in headfirst, beginning the investigation they believe will lead them to the arsenic poisoning.

Musical Artist Credit:
Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen – Longing for Home
Aerial Verse – Desert Highway
both courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com

1C-Cool Clear Water: Well Number 136658

The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
1C-Cool Clear Water: Well Number 136658

This week on The 40 Day Hero’s Journey podcast, we explore the shallows of our inaugural story by joining our fictional hero Alex Hayfield as she and her dog Max test the waters of being in charge of a team in a potential life or death situation.

Musical Artist Credit:
Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen – Longing for Home
Alec Slayne – Desert Dew
both courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com

1B-Cool Clear Water: I Don’t Think So

The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
1B-Cool Clear Water: I Don't Think So

This week on The 40 Day Hero’s Journey podcast, we continue our inaugural story exploring how average folk can be the hero of their own life story. We rejoin our fictional hero Alex Hayfield as she and her dog Max navigate uncomfortable water in the form of feelings rooted in her past.

Musical Artist Credit:
Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen – Longing for Home
Max Anson – Desert Fighter
both courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com

1A-Cool Clear Water: Welcome, Alex

The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
The 40 Day Hero’s Journey
1A-Cool Clear Water: Welcome, Alex

This week on The 40 Day Hero’s Journey podcast, we dive right into our inaugural story exploring how average folk can be the hero of their own life story. We introduce our first fictional hero Alex Hayfield, a kind and curious person striving to make the world a better place with the help of her BFF and co-worker, her dog named Max.

Musical Artist Credit:
Christoffer Moe Ditlevsen – Longing for Home
Garrett Inigo – Desert Drive
both courtesy of www.epidemicsound.com

I spent some time this early new year thinking (often a dangerous thing), and the way I figure it, there are two undeniable constants in the world: time and change. Albeit, there are observable constants of mathematics, physics, and science. These unambiguous definitions help us understand and define the workings of the universe. While, on the other hand, time and change relate to the minute-to-minute machinations of human existence. As much as we may want to alter the realities of time and change – we cannot. We may wax poetic in our Hero stories that time is alterable via sci-fi wanderings in the time-space continuum, but change is so constant in our lives that every Hero story ever told has at least one kind of change (most likely more) at its core. The understanding that change is a necessity in our lives brings transformation to the forefront in everything we do and every story we tell.

Change in every Hero’s life appears in two broad forms: from without and within. At the beginning of every story, we find the Hero living their life in whatever shape or form it may take. It is called their beginning stasis, their status quo. And then something happens that forces change on the Hero. This “change from without” is thrust upon them by someone or something that disrupts their lives. Their ultimate response to this change from without must come “from within” themself and alter the human being they are and will be from that moment forward.

In my book, The 40 Day Hero’s Journey, I help the reader explore how change is at the core of everything we, as humans, must accomplish. Through the format of the Hollywood movie, they will hopefully understand that change, albeit inevitable, is the beginning and not necessarily the end.

Janus was the Roman god of change. I will not go into great detail on what they believed concerning him. The main point I want to relate to is that he oversaw transitions. For instance, a birth or that same person later transitioning into adulthood. He officiated over the beginning and end of all conflicts, so he was crucial in war and peace. He has two faces, one that looks upon the past and the other seeing the future. The month of January is named after him, signifying the importance of the new year.

The point of Janus in the beliefs of the Romans was that humans transition many times during their lives. That is simply part of what it is to be human. So why can change be so tricky when it comes? In truth, some transitions are easier to swallow in that we expect them to happen and/or welcome them. In contrast, others signify the loss of something or someone important to us. For example, getting old does suck even though we all know we can’t avoid it.

The ultimate truth is that we must deal with change when it occurs, find ways to implement change when needed, and accept change when there is nothing to be done to avoid it. That sounds a bit like the Serenity Prayer.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can,

and wisdom to know the difference

So, that all said, what will the New Year bring for us? What will be the next big challenge? Unfortunately, I do not have the power of future sight like Janus, so I can only promise that personal or global events will shake us to the core. However, I can offer an easily approachable system that provides everyone the tools to deal with change. This system is The 40 Day Hero’s Journey, and it is available in the United States and Canada on Amazon.com and in the United Kingdom on Amazon.co.uk.