Everyone Deserves to Be the Hero of Their Own Story

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The Who We Are

A couple of weeks ago, I went for a walk in the Cook County Forest Preserve near our home. It was a beautiful late winter day. Spring was in the air and my mind. The destiny of the snow from a recent light shower clinging to spots was to disappear amid sunshine and rising temperatures. The whole scene felt like Narnia as the clutches of the White Witch begin to weaken.

I was about to finish my walk when I noticed a bizarre tree. I don’t often walk this trail in winter while the ground cover plants are absent. As a result, I had never seen this particular tree’s unique trunk shape and form.

Nature vs. Nurture

The base of the trunk has, what I can only describe as, arms or wings that curve gracefully to the ground. The rest of the tree reaching up towards the canopy is like every other tree. But, here at the bottom, it is like nothing I have ever seen.

I immediately asked, what caused this tree to grow like this? And then, because I am a nerd about things like this, was it Nature or Nurture that created this being?

I took some photos and made a plan to investigate further.

Using a plant identification app, I believe it is a Musclewood tree, also known as American Hornbeam. Both names seem appropriate, given that its trunk and branches look like both the muscles and tendons of a very fit person and horns or antlers of deer, elk, and other bedecked animals. 

I learned that Musclewood is native to eastern US and Canada hardwood forests. It is also called Blue Beech, and it is a small, slow-growing understory tree.

In comparing my photos with images online, I see the basic structure and form of the musclewood tree entirely. However, none of them show the same wing-like trunk. As a result, I have formed a theory about how this tree grew.

I believe this tree’s formative years were within the decaying trunk of another tree. The remnant of the earlier tree provided a vessel, as it were, to shape the growth of the young tree. Once the decaying portions rotted away, the unusually shaped young tree was left.

If this is true, then this tree and its unique shape result from the way its innate biology and the environmental conditions it grew in combined. Nature and Nurture worked together to make something new and individual.

In my book, The 40 Day Hero’s Journey, the first five days of every journey explore the person at the beginning of their Hero’s journey. In Hollywood films and other story forms, this Beginning Stasis is the life the Hero is living before an event that forces the Hero to change.

Our personality at Beginning Stasis results from the unique combination of many different forces. First, our genetic composition is the starting point. How tall, what color eyes, any disease or condition? Billions of possible genetic combinations determine the nuts and bolts of who we become. 

Then, we are thrust into this world to be molded by the people and experiences we encounter. Good or bad, it is impossible not to be affected by these forces.

Finally, we choose or don’t choose how these forces join together to make us the ‘who’ we are. Do I allow the memory of bullies from my childhood to shadow my decisions? Do paralympic athletes listen to naysayers and give up on their dream to compete? Does a simple tree germinated in an odd place give up the chance to grow tall and be a part of the forest?

There are two things I would be remiss not to mention at this point. The latter is not as significant as the first.

First, I am a hetero, white man. These three genetically determined dispositions make life easier for me than others. 1) my gender identification fits neatly within the norms of traditional American society. 2) I benefit from my skin color and the white privilege that goes with it. 3) as a man, I am afforded assumptions about my ability to lead and be successful. Therefore, I can not truly understand how difficult life is for people within the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, or women. Thankfully, the last several years have been an education for me as I learned of systemic homophobism, racism, and sexism ingrained in our society. I believe it is time to right the wrongs, undo the injustice, and move this country to a place of equality and understanding.

With that in mind, I hope that heroes from all communities come together and finally do what it takes to make an America where it is “self-evident, that all . . .  are created equal.”

Second, I know a tree doesn’t have cognisant thought as we do. Perhaps the tree has an easier go of it, in that sense. But, sometimes, we don’t know we have a choice of path. It takes an outside force to make us see that we must ‘change’ to move forward. We must ‘change’ to leave the rut we are in. We must ’change’ so the Hero within can break free and take us to places we never thought possible.

That said, allow me to get back to my original thought. Every Hero in every story ever told begins with the indelible person they are in the sense that the building blocks of personality never go away. Yet, at the same time, we can intentionally edit, modify, and reprogram those building blocks to help us become unique and strong individuals and move forward on our journeys.

If I may give one piece of advice, imagine yourself a little tree seedling that puts all of its energy into growing upwards, regardless of the ground its roots are in.

I spent some time this early new year thinking (often a dangerous thing), and the way I figure it, there are two undeniable constants in the world: time and change. Albeit, there are observable constants of mathematics, physics, and science. These unambiguous definitions help us understand and define the workings of the universe. While, on the other hand, time and change relate to the minute-to-minute machinations of human existence. As much as we may want to alter the realities of time and change – we cannot. We may wax poetic in our Hero stories that time is alterable via sci-fi wanderings in the time-space continuum, but change is so constant in our lives that every Hero story ever told has at least one kind of change (most likely more) at its core. The understanding that change is a necessity in our lives brings transformation to the forefront in everything we do and every story we tell.

Change in every Hero’s life appears in two broad forms: from without and within. At the beginning of every story, we find the Hero living their life in whatever shape or form it may take. It is called their beginning stasis, their status quo. And then something happens that forces change on the Hero. This “change from without” is thrust upon them by someone or something that disrupts their lives. Their ultimate response to this change from without must come “from within” themself and alter the human being they are and will be from that moment forward.

In my book, The 40 Day Hero’s Journey, I help the reader explore how change is at the core of everything we, as humans, must accomplish. Through the format of the Hollywood movie, they will hopefully understand that change, albeit inevitable, is the beginning and not necessarily the end.

Janus was the Roman god of change. I will not go into great detail on what they believed concerning him. The main point I want to relate to is that he oversaw transitions. For instance, a birth or that same person later transitioning into adulthood. He officiated over the beginning and end of all conflicts, so he was crucial in war and peace. He has two faces, one that looks upon the past and the other seeing the future. The month of January is named after him, signifying the importance of the new year.

The point of Janus in the beliefs of the Romans was that humans transition many times during their lives. That is simply part of what it is to be human. So why can change be so tricky when it comes? In truth, some transitions are easier to swallow in that we expect them to happen and/or welcome them. In contrast, others signify the loss of something or someone important to us. For example, getting old does suck even though we all know we can’t avoid it.

The ultimate truth is that we must deal with change when it occurs, find ways to implement change when needed, and accept change when there is nothing to be done to avoid it. That sounds a bit like the Serenity Prayer.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

courage to change the things I can,

and wisdom to know the difference

So, that all said, what will the New Year bring for us? What will be the next big challenge? Unfortunately, I do not have the power of future sight like Janus, so I can only promise that personal or global events will shake us to the core. However, I can offer an easily approachable system that provides everyone the tools to deal with change. This system is The 40 Day Hero’s Journey, and it is available in the United States and Canada on Amazon.com and in the United Kingdom on Amazon.co.uk.

Alexa – Can My Cat Eat Raw Pork?

I want to introduce you to our furry family member, Stormy. If you have already started your journey with my book, The 40 Day Hero’s Journey, you may know her as a critical character in the book’s description of Screenplay Script Elements.

She is an absolute joy to our family, well, most of the time. Since we adopted her from a shelter, she has gone from a timid and scared kitten to a cuddly and trusting family member. However, at times she is very vocal about her wants. 

This morning is a prime example. Let me start at the beginning. The 40 Day Hero’s Journey paperback version was officially released two weeks ago. I am busy completing the eBook version and plan to release it soon. I am in the depths of that work and marketing the book. And if that isn’t enough, I am already formulating the sequel. Book two explores the idea that once the Hero completes their journey, they must decide what to do with the new world creating knowledge they gained.

So, to that end, I am currently on my next Hero’s Journey. I am on Day 12 and as you may know, Day 12 is Save the Cat. If you don’t know this – what are you waiting for? Get started on your Hero’s Journey. On Day 12, the Hero explores an act of compassion with the idea that all Heroes conduct themselves at their core with kindness towards others.

I chose to make suet birdseed treats for the wintering birds in my backyard as my act of kindness. Feeding the birds is a family tradition that goes back to my mother. She was well-known as Birdie Grandma to her grandchildren. She always had multiple bird feeders visited by many species, including Cardinals, Juncos, and Nuthatches – to name a few. Chickadees were her favorites. She loved to talk to her black-capped friends, calling chick-a-dee-dee-dee repeatedly. And yes, they would respond. She respected their feistiness, and they always brought a smile to her face.

I have been saving fat trimmings from pork and beef over the last several years with the intent of rendering them down and making suet cakes for the birds. Unfortunately, these ziplock bags of fat collecting in the basement chest freezer had become a bit of a hassle. The need to move them around whenever I needed something from the freezer was proof it was time to get rendering.

So picture this: I am standing in the kitchen this morning cutting fat with a kitchen shear and putting the pieces in a large dutch oven. I am suddenly aware of a presence looking up at me from the floor. Stormy meows lightly in her signature high-toned pitch. In my ignorance, I have no idea what she is on about.

Then it hits me. Stormy wants some of what I am working on. I forget that her sense of smell is much more developed than mine. So she wants some pork, raw and all. But is raw pork okay for cats to eat?

Alexa – can my cat eat raw pork?

According to the website foodfurlife.com, “YES! Pork is a wonderful meat for cats. Most cats both love pork and do very well with it.” The website goes on to clarify that bacon and ham should be avoided “due to the sodium content, smoke flavoring chemicals, nitrates and potentially preservatives.” In addition, the article explains the benefits of pork in a cat’s diet. It also lists several myths that it dispels with supported facts. All in all, “put your fears aside, and let your kitty enjoy this nutritious protein in its natural state.” 

It seems as though a particular black kitten has some raw pork in her future.

On a larger scale, I have once again explored the fundamental fact that all Hero’s conduct themselves with kindness. It is essential in all Hero stories across all cultures and times that the Hero is selfless. Their actions and interactions reflect that fact in everything they do. Take away kindness, compassion, empathy, respect, and love, and all that is left are villains and bystanders.

Order a copy of my book The 40 Day Hero’s Journey on Amazon to start your journey and explore what it is to be a Hero in your own Hollywood movie story.

Available to buy on Amazon now!

Imagine yourself the Hero of your very own Hollywood movie.

The 40 Day Hero’s Journey

We love to see movies starring our favorite actors portraying heroic characters defeating villainous monsters. But how often do we personally get to be the Hero? The 40 Day Hero’s Journey allows you to do just that. It will lead you day-by-day on an epic forty-day journey of exploration, discovery, and enlightenment to address change in your life.

The 40 Day Hero’s Journey is an interactive workbook designed for adult human beings of all ages. Built on well-established theories from the worlds of science and the arts, it lays out a step-by-step guided process to apply the principles of the Hollywood Movie Hero to your life. Each day features a specific movie quote guidepost, insightful exploration of what it is to be a Hero on multiple levels, and thought-provoking questions to help you create your personal Hollywood Movie Hero’s journey.

  • Deep dive into the hopes and fears that drive your life every day.
  • Find solace knowing that every Hero across time and space faces the same dilemmas you face.
  • Learn actionable techniques to address change in powerful, positive, and proactive ways.

Available to buy on Amazon now!

I am thrilled to officially announce the release of my new book, The 40 Day Hero’s Journey, and what better day to make this auspicious announcement than on 12/02/2021. Today is a particular palindrome date in that it is an 8-digit palindrome, including the 4-digit year. This type of palindrome is quite rare. As you probably know, a palindrome is the same forward as backward. 

There is a subtle connection between a palindrome and one of the key ideas in The 40 Day Hero’s Journey. In the book, I explore how storytelling from its very beginnings as part of human existence formed the model of all Hero stories, myths, and legends. This basic format has remained the same for hundreds of thousands of years.

At the beginning of humankind, our ancestors created a unique ability to communicate thoughts and ideas to one another. They did this through the telling of stories. What began as tales told around a fire grew and developed into an oral tradition that flourished and filled their lives. These stories became cave paintings, stone tablets, papyrus scrolls, and eventually the printed word so that we now have records of these stories. These stories are the myths and legends we all know.

excerpt from The 40 Day Hero’s Journey

To understand where we are now, we must look to the past. Looking back helps us to move forward. Since the basic format of all Hero stories is the same, we can move backward and forward to understand our place in the history of humankind. And more importantly, we can choose to be Heroes instead of villains or bystanders based on the example of centuries of Hero stories readily available to us.

The 40 Day Hero’s Journey leads its readers step-by-step in an exciting and fun guided process to apply the principles of the Hollywood Movie Hero to deal with change in their life. Did I mention that Hollywood movies follow the exact format of all Hero stories throughout time? Read more about that in the book.

So please, join me on this incredible journey.

Available to buy on Amazon now!